UNIVERSITY: POSTDOCTORAL: Jan 2013-June 2013 : University of Johannesburg; Department of Applied Chemistry, Johannesburg, South Africa (Activities and Outcomes) i. Involved in writing three journal paper manuscripts, two of them have been published in JCPE Elsevier journal and one is under review ii. Got trained and gained competence in the usage of SEM, XRD and ICP-MS & ICP-OES Instruments. iii. Participated in the training of the ESKOM staff and UJ postgraduates in hydrogeochemical modeling using PHREEQC and VISUAL MINTEQ. iv. Modeling of the Eskom coal processing industrial cooling water and Ca/Mg complexation with NOMs to reduce scaling. v. Participated in teaching undergraduates and mentoring postgraduate students of UJ. vi. Assessment of environmental pollution of fresh water bodies and municipal wastes in Johannesburg, South Africa. Duties and Responsibilities at Technical University of Kenya (TUK) Ø Lecturer (Analytical –Environmental Chemistry) Ø Course Tutor Ø Member of DCST Postgraduate Studies Academic Review Committee Ø Head of Departmental Thematic area; Environmental Chemistry Ø Acting DCST Chairman (April-May 2015) Ø Committee member: TUK Conferences and Workshops-Research and Knowledge Exchange Directorate (2017-2018). Ø Committee Member: TUK ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE (2022- To date) CONFERENCES/SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS TRAINING WORKSHOPS 1. November 18- 22, 2019; - Attended a Workshop Training on use of Constructed Wetlands Technology for wastewater treatment, held in Mombasa Kenya, at Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KeMFRI). Organised and funded by Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association-(WIOMSA) in collaboration with the UN-Nairobi Convention. Awarded Certificate of attendance. 2. November 14, 2018; - Attended a Refresher Course workshop on EIA in Nairobi University, Upper Kabete Campus. Organized and funded by Environmental Institute of Kenya (EIK). Awarded Certificate of attendance. 3. February 25- 26, 2016; - Attended a workshop Training on Ecological Risk Assessment, held in Nairobi, Kenya. Organized and funded by IUPAC, CropLife and TUK. Awarded Certificate of attendance. 4. 29th October 2015- Attended a Stakeholders Workshop for Curriculum Program Development for Multimedia University (BSc. Industrial Chemistry). 5. 16-18 May 2011- Attended a short course Training workshop on Geochemistry and Contaminant Transport Modelling, held in Cape Town, South Africa. Awarded Certificate of attendance. This greatly enhanced my hydrogeochemical modelling skills and competency. 6. June 14- 16, 2005; - Attended a GENSTAT Workshop Training on Data Analysis from Experiments; Organized and Sponsored by VSN International, in Nairobi Kenya. Awarded Certificate of attendance CONFERENCES/SEMINARS 1. Organized and attended The 3rd TU-K International Conference on INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT: Held on 23rd to 25th February 2016, Laico Hotel Nairobi, Kenya. Organized by TUK. 2. John M. Mbugua, J. Catherine Ngila, Chris Buckley, Andrew Kindness, Demlie Molla, Application Of Hydrogeochemical Modeling In Simulating The Transportation Of Elements In Fly Ash Heap Under Different Disposal Systems In South Africa, Oral presentation in 14th WaterNet /WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium-Transboundary Water Cooperation:Building Partnerships, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 29th-2nd October, 2013. 7. John M. Mbugua, J. Catherine Ngila, Chris Buckley, Andrew Kindness, Demlie Molla, Shameer Hareeparsad. Hydrogeochemical modeling of fly ash co-disposed with brines: Effect of brines on acid neutralization capacity of a South African fly ash. Poster presentation in 2nd Tanzania Chemical Society International Conference proceedings, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, October 5-7, 2011. 8. John M. Mbugua, J. Catherine Ngila, Chris Buckley, Andrew Kindness, Demlie Molla. Hydrogeochemical modeling of multi-species release and transport in fly ash-brine co-disposal systems, using PHREEQC. Poster presentation during Faculty of Science and Agriculture Research day, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, September 23rd 2010. |