2013 – DATE: ISO Champion Department of Human and Social Development
2009 – 2011: Appointed Senior Assistant Dean of Students (Social welfare), Kenya Polytechnic
University College
2009 – 2011: Coordinator Guidance and Counselling Services in the University
2009 – 2011: Management of Student Elections and student leaders
2011: Gender team Committee member secretary
2010: ISO Steering committee member
2009 – 2011: Ag. Dean of students
2009 – 2011: ISO Internal Auditor
2009 – 2011: ISO Management Representative Dean of students office
2009: Member, Kenya Polytechnic University College (KPUC) TVET Institutional Busary
2009: Technical committee member of the KPUC tender committee
2008: Coordinator KPUC stakeholders open day
2007: Coordinator KPUC Culture week. Theme: “Enriching our diverse cultures through unity and
technological training”
2006: Deployed as Head of Department Guidance and Counselling
2006: As producer and patron of the Theater Team participated in the State House Gardens
winners concert for the Kenya Colleges and schools National Drama Festival (KCSNDF) with the
narrative, “Olupanga”
2006: Coordinated the KPUC culture week Theme: “Towards creating a Drug and Substance
Abuse free Environment for Innovation and Technological Excellence.” Culminating in the
declaration of KPUC a Drug and substance Abuse free environment with assistance of students
council and National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA)
2006: Coordinated the KPUC Prevention, Control And Management of HIV and AIDs training
program funded by Global funds Round II
2006: Organized the Kenyatta National Hospital clean-up day
2005: As producer and Theatre Team patron produced Bafu chafu The “Dirty bathroom” at the
Kenya Colleges and Schools National Drama Festival, which was nominated by the Ministry of
Education to represent Kenya in an International Arts festival at the Bagamoyo college of Arts in
the Republic of Tanzania whose theme was: “Arts for Good Governance”
2005: Committee Member, International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug
Dependency. All Africa HIV/AIDs pandemic and Substance Dependence Prevention Programme
(Kenya Chapter)
2005: Coordinated the Kenya Polytechnic culture week; Theme: Techno-cultural approach for an
HIV and AIDs Free Environment
2005: Organized a seminar for Section Heads and Course Tutors on Basic Counselling Skills
2005: Organized one day seminar on Drugs and Substance Abuse: Theme: Empowering the
community to say “No” to Drug and Substance Abuse.
2005: Secured partnerships with organizations that fight AIDs, such as, National Aids Control
Council, NASCOP, KICOSHEP, WOFAK and I Choose Life Africa among others
2004: Appointed principal Lecturer, Technical Education
2004: Developed a programme for training Peer Educators
2004: Member Central Exam Committee
2004: Section Head Guidance And Counselling
2004: Set up the Kenya Polytechnic Counselling Centre and made it operational
2003: Member Nairobi zone colleges Drama committee
2001: Facilitated in the Guidance and counselling booth during the Kenya Polytechnic culture
week: Theme: Moral Re-armament in fighting HIV and AIDS